CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT Belmana led the counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) for the Welsh Government’s evaluation of non-financial support for businesses funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and delivered through the 2014 to 2020 European Structural Funds
Evidence base for London’s Local Industrial Strategy
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT As part of the final report on the evidence base that is informing and supporting the development of London’s Local Industrial Strategy, GLA Economics published evidence on London’s economy with a view to supporting
SME Access to finance for innovation in the South West
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT. Under the joint agreement between the LEPs Heart of the South West, Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly and Innovate UK to boost innovation across the south west, Belmana’s research report was commissioned to
Interim Evaluation of the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT Now in its sixth round of operation, the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF) is the largest competitive grant funding scheme managed by Research England. Established in 2012, the UKRPIF has provided over £680
UK Trade Mark Demand: An Analysis for the Intellectual Property Office
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT Forecasts of the future number of trade mark registrations help intellectual property offices to plan, identifying what resources will be needed. Faced with a steep increase in trade mark applications in recent years, the