Now in its sixth round of operation, the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF) is the largest competitive grant funding scheme managed by Research England. Established in 2012, the UKRPIF has provided over £680 million of capital funding to 43 research projects across the UK in its first five rounds. Supporting research excellence and encouraging collaboration between universities and non-public organisations is key in meeting national priorities and global challenges. UKRPIF is central to this, enhancing the research facilities of universities undertaking world-leading research and fostering long-term strategic partnerships between universities and other organisations active in research.

Belmana were appointed with Middlesex University to consider the impacts of the UKRPIF so far. The research analysed monitoring data made available to the team. The study has also analysed five investments in depth made by Research England, in facilities specialising in medical advances, material sciences and fundamental sciences. The qualitative research involved interviews with research leaders, industry collaborators  and co-funders.

This interim evaluation report captures a snapshot of just some of the emerging research outcomes of the scheme; with most projects still in their infancy, many of their benefits will be realised in the years to come. Capital funding of this nature remains crucial to establishing the UK as a place where world-leading research can take place in world-leading facilities.

Interim Evaluation of the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund